MOFT: Monocular odometry based on deep depth and careful feature selection and tracking


Autonomous localization in unknown environments is a fundamental problem in many emerging fields and the monocular visual approach offers many advantages, due to being a rich source of information and avoiding comparatively more complicated setups and multisensor calibration. Deep learning opened new venues for monocular odometry yielding not only end-to-end approaches but also hybrid methods combining the well studied geometry with specific deep components. In this paper we propose a monocular odometry that leverages deep depth within a feature based geometrical framework yielding a lightweight frame-to-frame approach with metrically scaled trajectories and state-of-the-art accuracy. The front-end is based on a multihypothesis matcher with perspective correction coupled with deep depth predictions that enables careful feature selection and tracking; especially of ground plane features that are suitable for translation estimation. The back-end is based on point-to-epipolar line minimization for rotation and unit translation estimation, followed by deep depth aided reprojection error minimization for metrically correct translation estimation. Furthermore, we also present a domain shift adaptation approach that allows for generalization over different camera intrinsic and extrinsic setups. The proposed approach is evaluated on the KITTI and KITTI-360 datasets, showing competitive results and in most cases outperforming other state-of-the-art stereo and monocular methods.

In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2023)